

Mobile Banking suite consists of several applications for several mobile operation systems:

  • Mobile Banking
  • Mobile Wallet
  • Mobile Branch Banking

I am responsible for developing the products for iOS , Windows Phone 8 and Windows systems.

Features / Challenges

The basic requirement of the suite is for each application to share the same User Interface and behavior. This required me to create custom framework for each platform which could work on three different OSes and make the porting and maintenance of certain application as easy as possible (applications consist of over 200 different views and forms). The main features of the framework are:

  • Support for multiple themes and languages (downloadable from the internet)
  • Form creation – use common API to create forms, buttons tables and graphs which share the same look and behavior
  • Form validation – validate form input
  • Animations – create custom animations for each platform
  • Augmented reality HUD display – locate nearby POIs by using device camera display
  • Server API and parser classes which handle the server communication
  • Communication encryption